Real Estate Tips and Trends

July 7, 2016

Parks Around Cincinnati

The Winton Woods Boathouse is waiting for boaters, Sharon Woods is waiting for golfers and Lake Isabella is waiting for fisherman. The park system in and around greater Cincinnati provides fun opportunities for everybody. Half of the summer season has […]
June 22, 2016

No Geese, No Goats

No geese, no goats, no pay -no stay is the simplest way to explain multi-page fine print mortgage documents to today’s real estate buyer. But chickens may be ok! Every buyer today who is financing the purchase of a new […]
June 13, 2016

Protect Your Hot Dogs

It’s sizzling hot in greater Cincinnati so take a few minutes to protect your “hot dogs” and other pets from the heat. Pet needs can be forgotten as we get into the swing of summer with no school and weather […]
June 1, 2016

Cincinnati’s Old Streetcars

Many of us don’t remember Cincinnati’s old streetcars. The streetcar (above) shown turning onto 5th street was taken in the 1940.’s   Look closely at the left hand side of the picture -when the Tyler Davidson Fountain was once located close to the […]
April 28, 2016
Weather in Cincinnati

Weathering Cincinnati Storms

Weathering Cincinnati’s storms can be tricky at times. And this year the torrential rains, high winds and generally crazy weather pattern seems to be doing its best to disrupt rush hour driving and house hunting after dinner. The summer thunderstorms […]
April 25, 2016
Green in Cincinnati

Are Buyers Looking for Green Options in Real Estate?

What “Green Options” are buyers looking for in real estate? Many people think of windmills, solar panel and rain water collection systems when they hear “green”.  But for many or today’s home buyers “green” comes down to the simple things […]
April 18, 2016
DIY Painting

3 Things to Know Before You Pick Up a Paint Brush

Maybe you’ve found your dream home and plan to stay in it forever, or are planning to sell soon, a new paint job will have it looking and feeling fresher without breaking the bank. If you plan to sell your […]
April 7, 2016
New Construction

Parade Craze Tour of New Homes 2016

The Parade Craze Tour of new homes begins this weekend! And it could be happening in a neighborhood near you.  In what’s advertised as a “scatter site” tour of homes in varying degrees of completion -from drywall to finished- is an […]
March 18, 2016
Home Improvements

5 Smart Home Improvements

The first question you’re likely to ask yourself when starting on a home renovation project prior to selling your house is: What is your return on investment (ROI) going to be? Will you get back the money you spent when […]