Real Estate Tips and Trends

December 18, 2023
Lady in Yoga pose

How To Personalize Your Healing Environment For A Successful Recovery

How To Personalize Your Healing Environment For A Successful Recovery Photo via Pexels Guest Author:  Candace Sigmon You’re on a journey of recovery, a path that demands resilience, commitment, and a conducive environment. Navigating through the complexities of addiction recovery, […]
December 7, 2023
cardboard moving truck carrying boxes

DIY vs. Professional Movers: Pros and Cons

DIY vs. Professional Movers: Pros and Cons Guest Author: Kayla Gray Interstate moving can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when figuring out how to transport your stuff from one place to another. The choice between handling the move independently […]
November 15, 2023
A view of the Roebling Bridge used when moving to Cincinnati

The Ultimate Checklist for Moving to Cincinnati

The Ultimate Checklist for Moving to Cincinnati: What You Need to Know Before You Go Source: Photo by Matt Koffel on UnsplashGuest Author:  Eleanor Mitchell Are you thinking about moving to Cincinnati? Whether for a new job, a change of […]
November 13, 2023
photo of fire. in fireplace

Chimney and Fireplace Safety Check

As temps drop remember the importance of fireplace and chimney safety.     Before you toast more than your toes this year- remember fireplaces/chimneys require yearly maintenance! And yes you’ve probably read this article before!  It’s amazing how many people […]
November 4, 2023
dollar signs in upward trend

Why Home Prices Keep Going Up

Why Home Prices Keep Going Up If you’ve ever dreamed of buying your own place or selling your current house to upgrade, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster of emotions that changing home prices can stir up. It’s a tale of […]
October 20, 2023
Frosted window with Autumn written on it

It’s Time To Think About Winterizing Your Home

Heat on! Heat off!  It’s early but it’s time to think about winterizing your home or condo. According to HVAC specialists -it’s that time of year again when the cooler nights force us to turn on the furnace for the first […]
October 13, 2023
Calculator with dollar signs bubbling from screen

Home Prices Are

Home Prices Are Not Falling During the fourth quarter of last year, some housing experts projected home prices were going to crash in 2023. The media ran with those forecasts and put out headlines calling for doom and gloom in the housing market. […]
October 10, 2023
photo of lady with calculator

The Return of Normal Seasonality for Home Price Appreciation

The Return of Normal Seasonality for Home Price Appreciation If you’re thinking of making a move, one of the biggest questions you have right now is probably: what’s happening with home prices? Despite what you may be hearing in the news, nationally, home prices […]
October 6, 2023
A quick transaction achieved by a person who knows how to negotiate the best deal for your home.

How to Negotiate the Best Deal for Your Home

How to Negotiate the Best Deal for Your Home Guest Author: Braxton Rutherford If you want to secure or sell a home at the best possible price, you need to approach the purchase right. So, let’s go over how to […]