Local Market Stats

April 17, 2020

March Home Sales In Cincinnati

March single-family home sales in Greater  Cincinnati springing forward.  March closings reflect sales from January and February.  The impact of social distancing and jobs was not full-blown until mid-March.  So slowing sales will start to appear in April closings. Agents […]
April 3, 2020

Cincinnati Real Estate Health Report Card for March

Cincinnati single-family home sales chugged along during March. March single-family home sales were 1,666, down -5.9% from 1,771 in March of 2019 and +19.1% higher than the 1,399 sales last month.  However, March 2020 sales were at their lowest level […]
March 28, 2020

7 Days of Cincinnati Home Sales

7 Days of Cincinnati Home and Condo Sales. The first full week of “shelter in place” and area home and condo sales are still happening.   The new buzz words are taking over -virtual home tours and open houses.  Online as […]
March 23, 2020

Greater Cincinnati Real Estate Market Update

New listings are hitting the market.  Homes are selling and actually closing. The Multiple Listing of Greater Cincinnati released the following: The Governor’s “Shelter in Place” order issued yesterday afternoon will probably affect real estate activity for the next few […]
March 16, 2020

February Home Sales in Cincinnati

February single-family home sales Greater  Cincinnati not impacted by virus scare…. yet! Cincinnati Realtors Report February closings reflect sales from December and January.  The market jitters and unease about the coronavirus is having a ripple effect on the local real […]
March 4, 2020
bar chart of number of sing-family homes sold in Cincinnati 2019 vs 2020

Review of Cincinnati Real Estate Market

Comparing the first 60 days of 2019 to 2020 home prices up and sales down slightly! Official numbers aren’t released until the 3rd week of each month.  February single-family home sales we down -6.0% compared to February 2019 but +2.0% higher […]
February 24, 2020
photo of paper towel

Are Cincinnati Homes Selling Fast?

The discussion about home sales in greater Cincinnati is always a topic for conversation. Good? Bad? Is it getting better?  The answer is yes. Some areas are selling quickly,  some aren’t and price points matter. Realtors, banks and relocation companies […]
February 18, 2020

January 2020 Home Sales in Cincinnati

January 2020 single-family home sales Greater  Cincinnati are jumping in some counties. Image Pixabay Rising sale prices and a lower number of sales lead into a tight 2020 real estate market in greater Cincinnati. Cincinnati Board of Realtors Report The […]
February 3, 2020

Snapshot of January Home Sales in Cincinnati

Snapshot of January Home Sales!  Down -3.2% from January 2019 and down -36.3% from December 2019.   Official numbers aren’t released until the 3rd week of each month.  However, this first look shows a little slump in prices even though a […]