Condos for Sale Cincinnati Oh

January 10, 2020

Update on 2019 Cincinnati Condo Sales

2018 versus 2019 Cincinnati condo sales update.   December condo sales were up +3%  over December 2018 and -16.3% from November 2019.  Year-to-date sales are running -5% behind 2018. Property Sales The Selling Price vs Listing Price reflects the average […]
July 31, 2019
Bar Chart of condo sales volume by county

2019 Greater Cincinnati Condo Sales

Condo sales in greater Cincinnati comparing the first 6 months of 2019 versus 2018. Plenty of buyers out looking at condos however the number of condos for sale has sunk to a low of 431 listings.  And yes lower listings […]
June 18, 2015

Cincinnati Condo Sales

The nitty gritty on Cincinnati condo sales. HomeSearch Condo sales during the first 5 months of the year is a mixed bag for sellers.  The dollar sales volume is ahead of last year except Hamilton County.   According to the Multiple […]
June 16, 2014

Where are Condos Selling in Greater Cincinnati?

Buyers and sellers want to know where condos are selling in the greater Cincinnati real estate market. Once again condo sales in Hamilton County condo sales are galloping ahead of last year while Butler County is losing steam.  Both Clermont […]
May 5, 2014

Do You Really Want to Buy a Condo?

Condo living appeals to all age levels, incomes and lifestyles throughout the greater Cincinnati real estate market. A home of your own with having to worry about cleaning gutters, cutting grass or anything else outside your front (and back) door. […]
April 25, 2014

Did Greater Cincinnati Condo Sales Increase or Decrease During March?

Condo sales in greater Cincinnati are hot in some markets and not so hot in others. Hamilton County condo sales are galloping ahead of last year while Butler is hanging on- Clermont and Warren Counties are falling behind.  10 of […]
February 18, 2014

Are Cincinnati Condo Sales in January Higher or Lower?

Sunnier days may be ahead for the greater Cincinnati condo market- but January sales have been good in some markets and slow in others. Hamilton and Warren Counties are leading the way with closings when comparing closed dollar volume for […]
December 23, 2013
Greater Cincinnati Condo Sales Volume for November 2013

Did Condos Sell During November in Greater Cincinnati?

Condos for sale in greater Cincinnati Ohio remained “brisk” during November. Compared to last month’s sales continue to outpace last year. Activity in all four counties continues to climb in spite of the holidays and cold weather.  And unlike last […]
November 25, 2013
Condo Sales Volume 111713

Did Condos Sell During October in Greater Cincinnati?

Condos for sale in greater Cincinnati Ohio continue to capture buyer’s attention. If the information below is not detailed enough or if you are considering buying or selling your condo- call for detailed market analysis. Or make it easy and […]