Showcase Topics

Buying and Selling

Consumer-friendly resource for home buyers and sellers in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Lebanon, Fairfield, and Mason.

Local Market Stats

In-depth reports on the ups-and-downs of the greater Cincinnati real estate market.

Real Estate

Consumer-friendly resource with information about buying or selling a home in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Monroe, Lebanon, Fairfield and Mason.

Real Estate Tips and Trends

Information for buyers and sellers on new real estate tips and trends. 


Informational as well as fun and interesting events happening around greater Cincinnati. (Zinzinnati)

Latest Updates

October 4, 2013

Cincinnatians are Prettier in Pink!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and local businesses are doing their part to raise both awareness and funds for the cause. Pink Ribbon Girls and Klosterman Bread– Ohio based company that is the largest family owned bakeries in the […]
October 2, 2013

Market Update for Greater Cincinnati Real Estate

The federal government may have shut down but the local Cincinnati real estate market is still open for business! If the information below is not detailed enough or if you are considering buying or selling your house or condo- call […]
September 27, 2013

Five Things to Do Before Buying That Cincinnati Fixer-Upper

By:  Nicolas Terry The lure of a fixer-upper can be compelling, This Old House notes: Purchase a property in need of some love, rehab it yourself, then sell it for twice what you paid. However, many would-be real estate flippers […]
September 25, 2013

The Latest Real Estate Update for Townships in Greater Cincinnati

Officially it’s Autumn in Cincinnati…fortunately local home sales haven’t cooled. If the information below is not detailed enough or if you are considering buying or selling your home or condo- call for detailed market analysis. Or make it easy and […]