Showcase Topics

Buying and Selling

Consumer-friendly resource for home buyers and sellers in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Lebanon, Fairfield, and Mason.

Local Market Stats

In-depth reports on the ups-and-downs of the greater Cincinnati real estate market.

Real Estate

Consumer-friendly resource with information about buying or selling a home in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Monroe, Lebanon, Fairfield and Mason.

Real Estate Tips and Trends

Information for buyers and sellers on new real estate tips and trends. 


Informational as well as fun and interesting events happening around greater Cincinnati. (Zinzinnati)

Latest Updates

January 21, 2014
Greater Cincinnati Condo Sales 2004-2013

Is the Greater Cincinnati Condo Market Improving?

Greater Cincinnati’s 2013 condo prices haven’t returned to peak levels but average prices continue upward in Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Warren Counties -good news for many condo owners who were hit hard by the sluggish real estate market. The recent […]
January 17, 2014
Total Listings for Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

Why Potential Home Sellers Need to List Now!

If you live in the greater Cincinnati area and you’ve been thinking about listing your home of condo for sale- get off the fence and “List Now”! Not motivated yet?  Just take a look at the chart below which shows […]
January 15, 2014
Cincinnati Townships Real Estater Weekly Update 011414

Real Estate Activity for Townships Around Greater Cincinnati

Spring has hit the Cincinnati real estate market.  Lots of new listings popping up here and there. More buyers are appearing at Sunday open houses and, in general house hunting activity is climbing.  Data pulled from the Multiple Listing Service of […]
January 14, 2014
School Districts in Greater Cincinnati

How’s the School District?

Many home buyers in the greater Cincinnati real estate market ask “How’s the school district”? My answer is always the same- I don’t know however I can provide you with phone numbers for the school districts in our area and […]