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Buying and Selling

Consumer-friendly resource for home buyers and sellers in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Lebanon, Fairfield, and Mason.

Local Market Stats

In-depth reports on the ups-and-downs of the greater Cincinnati real estate market.

Real Estate

Consumer-friendly resource with information about buying or selling a home in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Monroe, Lebanon, Fairfield and Mason.

Real Estate Tips and Trends

Information for buyers and sellers on new real estate tips and trends. 


Informational as well as fun and interesting events happening around greater Cincinnati. (Zinzinnati)

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February 4, 2014
Saving money on energy bills in Cincinnati

5 Cheap and Easy Ways to Winterize Your Real Estate in Greater Cincinnati

It seems unfair that Opening Day is around the corner and we’re still suffering from frigid temperatures and endless blasts of snow and/or rain…and the latest energy bills arriving in our mailboxes are sending many consumers into a different type […]
February 3, 2014

3 Ways to Tell if Your Hardwood Floors Need to Be Replaced

From: Ron Cartwright Those who have hardwood floors in their homes know how beautiful they are and what charm and character they give to a house. Owners of hardwood floors are also aware of the care required to keep them […]
February 2, 2014
Groundhog Day Cincinnati

Will Greater Cincinnati Welcome the Groundhog in 2014?

It’s groundhog day-what will Puxsutawney Phil tell Cincinnati about the end of winter? According to the official groundhog site if Phil fails to see his shadow-winter will soon end. On the other hand, if it’s sunny and he sees his […]
January 31, 2014
All Cash Real Estate Sales

Is Cash King in the Greater Cincinnati Real Estate Market?

In 2013, according to the Multiple Listing Service of Greater Cincinnati, 22,982 single family homes and/or condos were sold and closed.  In nearly 30% of the deals or 6,859 closings, the buyer paid cash! While the number appears to be […]