Showcase Topics

Buying and Selling

Consumer-friendly resource for home buyers and sellers in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Lebanon, Fairfield, and Mason.

Local Market Stats

In-depth reports on the ups-and-downs of the greater Cincinnati real estate market.

Real Estate

Consumer-friendly resource with information about buying or selling a home in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Monroe, Lebanon, Fairfield and Mason.

Real Estate Tips and Trends

Information for buyers and sellers on new real estate tips and trends. 


Informational as well as fun and interesting events happening around greater Cincinnati. (Zinzinnati)

Latest Updates

March 2, 2011

Cincinnatians Ask “Remodel or Move”?

The Home and Garden Show is currently running in Cincinnati at the Duke Energy Convention Center.  And events like the Home and Garden Show and Homarama often prompts a lot of home owners to ask questions about should they redo this or […]
January 28, 2011

3 Reason Why Buyers Need a Professional Home Inspection

There’s lots of  houses and condos available within the greater Cincinnati real estate market.  And as buyer’s try to bargain for the best deal, some of them are making a costly mistake by saving money and either skipping the home […]
January 24, 2011

Mall Walking in Greater Cincinnati

It’s snowing again and Cincinnatians are tired of snow, cold and just being stuck inside. Fortunately for most of us there are indoor shopping malls spread throughout the metropolitan area offering walkers a place to stretch their legs.  Probably the […]
November 19, 2010

Where are the Seven Hills in Cincinnati?

I never thought a question on the chalkboard at First Watch in Springdale  would lead to so many anwers. And after listening to everybody’s answers- it’s clear that none of us should try out for a spot on  the TV show “Are You […]