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Buying and Selling

Consumer-friendly resource for home buyers and sellers in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Lebanon, Fairfield, and Mason.

Local Market Stats

In-depth reports on the ups-and-downs of the greater Cincinnati real estate market.

Real Estate

Consumer-friendly resource with information about buying or selling a home in greater Cincinnati, Oh area including West Chester, Liberty Township, Monroe, Lebanon, Fairfield and Mason.

Real Estate Tips and Trends

Information for buyers and sellers on new real estate tips and trends. 


Informational as well as fun and interesting events happening around greater Cincinnati. (Zinzinnati)

Latest Updates

November 15, 2012
Chimney Safety for Greater Cincinnati

Who Blew Up the Chimney?

The other day I walked into the garage to toss stuff into the Rumpke bin and I smelled smoke.  First thought in my mind was- run then the adult part of my brain kicked in and I started sniffing and […]
November 9, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Downsizing Made Easy

The big move is coming. You’ve been wanting a smaller place for awhile and now that you actually have one, it’s time to take the bull by the horns. By “bull” we mean your stuff, and by “horns” we mean, […]
November 1, 2012
Looking North to Cincinnati

Cincinnati Riverview

September 25, 2012
Realty Trac List of Top 10 Foreclosure States

What’s Happening with Foreclosures in Cincinnati and Ohio?

Ohio ranks 7th in the top ten states with the highest foreclosure rates! According to RealtyTrac foreclosures in judicial foreclosure states (Ohio is a judicial state) are “boiling over”.  Overall foreclosure related filings are down sharply from a year ago- […]