Kathy Koops

August 4, 2016
Cincinnati and Beer

Beer Lovers Rank Cincinnati Highly

The verdict is in and beer lovers rank Cincinnati highly! Redfin teamed with the Beer Institute to research which cities have the attributes beer lovers need to thrive. The cities were ranked by: The # of breweries in their state per 100,000 […]
August 3, 2016
Real estate in Cincinnati

Not Included in Sale

“Not included in sale” is a popular sticky note found in Cincinnati homes for sale. Of course nobody expects a cherished pet to be included in the sale.  But grandma’s mirror hanging in the guest bathroom should remain with the […]
August 1, 2016
Cincinnati Market Update

Monday Morning Market Update

The Monday morning market update for greater Cincinnati real estate points to a lots of activity. During the last 24 hours the new listings were almost keeping pace with the number of pending sales.  The number of homes and condos […]
July 29, 2016
Average sale price of homes

Cincinnati Real Estate Recovery

The average sale price for a single family home continues to climb during the greater Cincinnati real estate recovery. A recent report from Housing View from S & P  (Standard & Poors) highlights the current status of the national housing […]
July 26, 2016
Cincinnati Findlay Market

Findlay Market

Cincinnati’s Findlay Market was recently named one of the top food markets in the country by USA Today. Findlay Market is Ohio’s oldest continuously running public market and on of Cincinnati’s “hot spots”. Located just north of downtown Cincinnati, the Market has […]
July 25, 2016
Cincinnati Home Sales

Home Buyer’s Dilemma

How would define the home buyer’ dilemma in greater Cincinnati? Buy now or wait for a better deal on a better house?  Well the real answer may be right in front of you.  According to the Multiple Listing Service of Greater […]
July 22, 2016
Buying a home in Cincinnati

Who’s Responsible For Damage After Your Home Sells?

Who’s responsible for damage after your home sells? Good question. Storms, lightening strikes, hail, flooding and fire are just some of things that can hit a property after the sale but before the closing.  Who’s responsible for repairs when the […]
July 20, 2016
Property Taxes Ohio

Ohio Property Taxes

Paying your Ohio property taxes at closing is one of the most confusing costs for sellers. The State of Ohio handles property tax payments in a unique (and sometimes confusing way).  Property taxes are paid in arrears.  So the most recent […]
July 18, 2016
Cincinnati real estate sales

June Home Sales in Cincinnati

The update on June home sales in Cincinnati. The total number of single family homes for sale is 6312 about -23% lower than last June.   Not a bumper crop when it comes to motivating buyers to write a purchase contract. Contact The […]