It’s Time To Think About Winterizing Your Home

It’s Time To Think About Winterizing Your Home

Frosted window with Autumn written on it

Source: Shutterstock_1187339818

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Heat on! Heat off!  It’s early but it’s time to think about winterizing your home or condo.

Frosted window with Autumn written on it

Source: Shutterstock_1187339818

According to HVAC specialists -it’s that time of year again when the cooler nights force us to turn on the furnace for the first time in months. When temperatures drop, homeowners should have their furnaces serviced.  Planning ahead can save you from unwanted heating failure in cold weather.

Furnaces can also be the main cause of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the home; approximately 1,500 people die every year from accidental CO poisoning. Having a clean and serviced furnace will help keep your family safe. A properly functioning furnace even reduces energy costs by increasing airflow. Households can save up to 5% on heating costs with a properly functioning furnace.

A small plumbing leak can lead to extensive damage in bitterly cold weather.  Take a few minutes to check underneath sinks for signs of water.  This is especially important for sinks you may not use on a daily basis.

Uncouple exterior hoses from faucets to minimize the chance of broken interior water pipes.


Time to check the gutters and clear any debris.  Frozen gutters create roof dams and lift your shingles allowing water to come in.

Vacant house?  Hire a professional to winterize!

It’s not as simple as it looks on YouTube.  Spend a few dollars and let a professional drain and seal pipes- especially if you have a steam heating system.

Be safe and notify your insurance company if you’re leaving your property vacant to ensure coverage.

Take a few minutes to figure out just you need to do for the colder weather and get it on your schedule.  (I’m currently reminding someone in our house to check the snowblower)

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