Source: Shutterstock_765485521
The numbers may be off because of the cyber attack on the MLS vendor. We are trying to catch up with entering data that was lost for 3 weeks
The median sales price in August 2023 was $292,200, up 2.53% from $285,000 from the previous month and 12.26% higher than $260,300 from August 2022.
The August 2023 median sales price was at its highest level compared to August 2022 and 2021.
The average sales price in August 2023 was $346,821, up 1.40% from $342,030 from the previous month and 11.02% higher than $312,403 from August 2022.
The August 2023 average sale price was at its highest level compared to August 2022 and 2021.