2023 Cincy Insights

2023 Cincy Insights

Beautiful photo of Cincinnati skyline

Source: Photo by Dave Morgan from Pexels

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Icon Cincy Insights

CincyInsights is a portal providing access to all sorts of helpful information about Cincinnati.

A few years ago I covered the portal when it started and I’m still amazed at the amount of data available.

Are you looking to move or just curious about what’s going on in the City or a particular community?  CincyInsights probably has a link to detailed information.

It’s especially helpful when potential buyers request information from their Realtor® about neighborhood conditions.  Since we’re not experts agents normally suggest contacting officials, police precincts or other agencies to secure information.

List if Cincinnati Primary Goals

Cincinnati made the search feature fairly simple.  If you want to know what’s happening by neighborhood, just click on the appropriate drop-down menu.

ResultsCincy provides a snapshot of the main indicators the City is tracking and is probably the easiest way to access tons of information.  And when users scroll through resources they’ll find tons of other information about the City.


Hopefully, the suburban cities surrounding Cincinnati will have the capability of real-time capture and public access to insightful data.