How to Eliminate Foul Plumbing Odors Easily 

How to Eliminate Foul Plumbing Odors Easily 


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How to Eliminate Foul Plumbing Odors Easily 


Guest Author:  Shelby Bartz

Odors from plumbing can be bad and embarrassing, but they are a common problem many homeowners have to deal with. The good news is that there are easy ways to deal with these odors without calling a plumber. In this blog, we will share some simple tips and tricks that can help you eliminate foul plumbing odors quickly and easily. 

Identify the Source of the Odor  

The first step in dealing with foul plumbing odors is to identify the source of the smell. Here are some common areas to check: 

Check the sink drain 

Your sink drain is one of the most common sources of foul odors. Food particles and grease can get stuck in the drain, making the sink smell bad. Pour hot water down the drain to see if it’s clogged. If the scent disappears, you might need to try a more thorough cleaning technique. 

Inspect the toilet 

Another common source of foul odors is your toilet. If your toilet is not properly sealed or there is a problem with the wax seal, sewer gasses can escape into your bathroom and cause unpleasant smells. If you smell something unpleasant coming from your toilet, check the wax seal and ensure it is placed and sealed correctly. 

Look for leaks 

Leaks in your plumbing system can also cause foul odors. If you detect a musty odor in your kitchen or bathroom, there might be a plumbing leak. Check under your sink or around your toilet for any signs of moisture or leaks. 

Check the garbage disposal 

Your garbage disposal can also be a source of foul odors. Food particles and debris can get stuck in the disposal and cause unpleasant smells. To check for clogged garbage disposal, turn it on and run hot water down the drain for a few minutes. You might need to try a more thorough cleaning technique if the smell doesn’t disappear. 

By finding out where the smell is coming from, you can take the steps you need to fix the problem and do the necessary plumbing maintenance to keep it from happening again. The next section will discuss some simple fixes for common plumbing odors. 


Simple Fixes for Common Plumbing Odors 

Now that you’ve identified the source of the foul odor in your plumbing system, it’s time to take action and eliminate the problem. Here are some simple fixes for common plumbing odors: 

Run hot water down the drain 

To remove odors from your sink or shower drain, run hot water down the drain for a few minutes. Hot water can assist in clearing away any food scraps, grease, or other material that might be the source of the odor. Running hot water often can also help stop smells from coming back in the future. 

Clean the garbage disposal 

If the source of the odor is your garbage disposal, cleaning it can help eliminate the problem. You can clean your garbage disposal by running a mixture of ice cubes and rock salt through the disposal. It will help to remove any food particles and debris that may be stuck in the disposal. You can also use vinegar and baking to clean it. 

Use a plunger 

If the odor is coming from your toilet, using a plunger can help to unclog the toilet and eliminate the odor. Be sure to use a plunger specifically designed for toilets, as using the wrong type of plunger can cause damage to your plumbing system. 

Clean the toilet bowl 

Regularly cleaning your toilet bowl can help prevent foul odors from developing. Use a toilet bowl cleaner to remove buildup and keep your toilet smelling fresh. 

Add baking soda and vinegar to the drain 

Another simple fix for foul odors in your sink or shower drain is adding baking soda and vinegar to the drain. It can help to remove any debris that may be causing the odor. You can also use a misting system to add a pleasant scent to your bathroom or kitchen. 

By using these simple fixes, you can eliminate foul plumbing odors quickly and easily. If the smell doesn’t go away no matter what you do, you may need to call a plumber to look at the problem and fix it. We’ll discuss some home remedies for persistent odors in the next topic. 

Foul plumbing odors can be a source of great discomfort in any home. They can make the environment unpleasant and cause health problems if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to deal with these odors, and you don’t have to spend much money to eliminate them. 

Home Remedies for Persistent Odors Use lemon juice or essential oils

A. Lemon juice and essential oils are great natural deodorizers that can help neutralize foul plumbing odors. You can spray a few drops of essential oil and water on the affected areas. The lemon will release a fresh citrusy scent that can mask unpleasant odors. B. Create a natural cleaning solution with baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice

B. Another effective way to deal with persistent plumbing odors is to create a natural cleaning solution using baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. Baking soda is a great way to get rid of smells, and vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can kill germs and bacteria. Lemon juice, on the other hand, can add a pleasant scent to the mixture. 

Mix one cup of baking soda and vinegar to make the cleaning solution. Stir in a few drops of lemon juice until a paste forms. Apply the paste to the troubled regions, then wait briefly before rinsing it off with water.

C. Use activated charcoal

A potent odor absorber, activated charcoal, can help eliminate bad odors from your plumbing. A few pieces of activated charcoal should be placed in a bowl and left close to the affected areas. The charcoal will absorb the odors and help keep your home smelling fresh. 

One final tip for dealing with foul plumbing odors is to consider installing a misting system in your home. A misting system is a device that sprays a fine mist of water and essential oils into the air, helping to neutralize odors and create a pleasant, fresh-smelling environment. These systems are easy to install and can be a great way to keep your home smelling great all year round. 


Foul plumbing odors can be a nuisance, but with these easy tips and tricks, you can easily eliminate them. Whether you need a simple fix for a common problem or a more natural remedy for persistent odors, there are plenty of options. Following these prevention tips can keep your plumbing odor-free and prevent future problems. 

About the author:  Shelby Bartz is the new Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Shelby is a devoted bookworm but when she isn’t reading, you’ll find her cruising around town with her beloved ginger husky, Maxxy.