How to Use Facebook and Instagram to Search for a Home

How to Use Facebook and Instagram to Search for a Home

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Facebook and Instagram Icons

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Are You Looking To Buy a Home? Here’s How Instagram and Facebook Could Help.

Facebook and Instagram Icons

Facebook and Instagram Icons

Guest Author:  Elizabeth Hines

Social media may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of buying a new home. Usually, Instagram and Facebook are used to post about our favorite places and people, and maybe to share a recipe or two.

In reality, though, Instagram and Facebook are powerful tools for house hunting. They can inform a potential home buyer’s research, keep track of different neighborhoods, and discover new places that they may not have considered before.

This article is going to run through a few ways in which Facebook and Instagram can be useful when house hunting and how these social media sites can be used to the home buyer’s advantage

Facebook As A Powerful RESEARCH Tool 

Even though the average person’s Facebook feed probably won’t be that helpful when searching for a new home, the possibilities are endless and only a search away. With Facebook, a home buyer can join different groups, research an area’s amenities, and pretty much anything else they wish to know.

Facebook works much like a search engine such as Google, but with a slightly different format. Advantages to Facebook’s format include longer video capacity, meaning realtors such as yourself can upload longer, more detailed videos about properties for sale, or advantages to home buying, or anything else you wish to pursue. Facebook is also a great way for potential home buyers to find open homes so they can get a feel of what they’re looking for. Make sure you stay in the loop so you can exploit all of Facebook’s potential as a realtor so you can get your clients to purchase their dream home as soon as possible.

Elena Gomex, a business writer at Study demic and Lia help tells us- “A lot of home buyers get their inspiration from social media networks which share content from sites like Pinterest. It’s important to browse Facebook feeds to stay in the loop of what’s in and what’s out, what potential homebuyers are liking and sharing, and generally what the trend is. Knowing this can help you become a better home seller and better cater to the needs of your clients”.

Instagram As A Powerful MARKETING Tool


Compared to Facebook, Instagram is a new player in the field of social media, but don’t let this fool you. Instagram is by far the most used social media site and is the one first-time homebuyers will be using the most.

James Ovens, a marketing writer at Paper Fellows and Boomessays tells us- “Realtors, nowadays, will use Instagram to post about new properties for sale and other listing details. As a result, home buyers are more likely to see the Feed videos and images posted by realtors.”

Instagram Stories feature can also be a very powerful tool because consumers will turn to Stories for the latest in a realtor’s business and status. They have a 24-hour expiration date so realtors can use them to post quick status updates on the hottest listings, share more information about their business. This creates urgency for homebuyers to see what realtors have in store for them, and what to think about the homes that are offered at the time.

The IGTV feature allows for longer videos to be posted although they won’t automatically play through on anyone’s Feed. Regardless, this feature can be used to create spectacular videos, such as home walk-throughs and even virtual open houses so potential home buyers get a feel of a listing before having to visit it. This is another way for homebuyers to get a sneak peek of the homes that they’re interested in.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, Facebook and Instagram allow real estate consumers to both research homes and get enticed by the outstanding marketing in the homebuying industry. Ultimately, when homebuyers turn to these two social media platforms, they’ll most likely fall in love with a home and would want to learn more about it. They’re a win-win for both home buyers and realtors.

So, we hope that you’ll look into Facebook and Instagram today, and find the home of your dreams!

About the Author:  Elizabeth Hines writes about the latest tech and marketing trends, innovations, and strategies in her articles. She also writes for online magazines and blogs, such as Ukwritings, and others. She is a digital marketer and content writer at Academized and Oxessays services.