Guest Author: Mark Klein
Check all the light switches. Examine the pipes. Look at the disposal. Are there any built-in appliances? How do they work? What about exterior lights?
Change lightbulbs where necessary and identify things that either work incorrectly or are broken. You don’t want to have some two-hundred-pound wardrobe in front of a portion of the wall that must be removed for rewiring.
Not all energy companies charge the same rate. Some are going to have very high fees, others will charge a fraction of the going rate. The general spread tends to be 4.1 cents to 12 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Check what the rates are in your area, and choose those which best fit your budget. Sites such as EnergyBot exist for multiple areas; if you’re not covered by this specific site, find similar options in your locality.
Landscaping can bring thousands of dollars in property value to your home. Also, it can be terribly complex and easily mismanaged. Look at the present landscaping situation. Is it something you can manage? Does it need work? What tools do you have available, what tools do you need, and what sort of irrigation describes your present premises? Answer these questions and take appropriate action.
You’ve got water to consider, electricity, internet, cable, trash, sewer, and HOA costs to consider. These costs are going to be recurring. You need to know the associated price and make the best choice to diminish the chunk they take out of you every month. Some things can’t be reduced, others can.
Electricity was explored earlier; if you don’t have to recycle based on community guidelines for your HOA, you might save $14 a month or so. Then again, this may not be an option. Evaluate your situation and make the best choice for your property.
Right after you acquire a property is the best time to fix associated issues. Sometimes remodeling will serve you better before you move everything in than after the fact. Also, after getting a new property, upgrading things makes a lot of sense.
Once you’ve carefully combed through every floor of your new home for issues, fixed them, and effectively prepared, now it’s time to move your furniture to your new home and get everything set up. This can be hard or easy, but if you do all the maintenance and repair work first, you’ll save yourself much trouble later.
It’s exciting to buy a new property and move in. It’s not exciting to move a bunch of furniture out because you have to redo a floor or something similar. True, this will happen during the regular course of ownership in all likelihood, but if you can get ahead of the issue first, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and ultimately maximize your property.
Move furniture in after you’ve finished any upgrades and remodeled. Figure out your landscaping situation, set up all necessary utilities, get the most affordable energy, and check to be sure everything works. These are just a few things you should do before getting settled in; ask friends and family for more tips to help you avoid unnecessary hassle.
Author: Mark Klein
Outreach manager
Mark Klein is a super-connector who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. He frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses his efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.