The Basic Home Security Checklist Every Home Needs

The Basic Home Security Checklist Every Home Needs

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The Basic Home Security Checklist Every Home Needs

photo of security box


 The average homeowner spends roughly $2,000 on optional maintenance each year. Optional maintenance generally includes things like landscaping or security costs. One of the main things you should be concerned with as a homeowner is to ensure the security and appeal of your residence.

If you are unsure about what home security problems your residence has, performing a thorough inspection is a good idea. Before you start this inspection, take some time to develop a checklist. This checklist should feature various parts of your home that are the most at risk of being used during a burglary attempt.

Here are some of the things that need to be on your home security checklist.

Take a Look at the Condition of Your Windows

When performing an inspection of your home, don’t forget to check your windows. In some instances, the windows a home has will be unlocked. If the windows are not locked properly, a burglar can use them to gain entrance and take whatever they want.

As you inspect your windows, you need to also look for signs of wear or functionality issues. If a window will not close all of the way or is flimsy, getting it replaced is a must. Taking the security your home has up a notch is easy when adding window sensors. Generally, these sensors will be tied into your home security system. If the window is opened when the alarm is armed, these sensors will trip the alarm.

Assess The Condition of Your Doors

The next thing you need to check when attempting to assess how secure your home is are the exterior doors. Most people use the exterior doors in their home multiple times a day without much thought. Over the years, the doors and the looks contained within them will start to wear out.

If you notice visible damage on the door, replacing it is a good idea. Waiting to fix this problem can put your home and your family in danger. Investing in higher-quality door locks is also a good idea. If you are unsure about what type of locks you need, consulting with a reputable locksmith is essential. These professionals can offer guidance regarding which locks to get and can install them in a hurry.


Check the Security System You Have in Place

Some homeowners fail to realize that security systems will become outdated over time. Instead of letting an outdated system fail you, having it inspected on a regular basis is a good idea. A security company will have no problem inspecting the system and offering suggestions on how to improve it.

Adding things like security cameras to the exterior of your home is a great way to keep burglars at bay. With the right camera system, you can view every part of your home from your smartphone. State-of-the-art camera systems offer remote viewing and high definition picture, which make them a great investment.

Seek Out Professional Help

If you run into a security problem you don’t know how to deal with, seeking out the help of a knowledgeable professional is essential. With their help and guidance, you can turn your home into a well-guarded fortress.


 The average homeowner spends roughly $2,000 on optional maintenance each year. Optional maintenance generally includes things like landscaping or security costs. One of the main things you should be concerned with as a homeowner is to ensure the security and appeal of your residence.

If you are unsure about what home security problems your residence has, performing a thorough inspection is a good idea. Before you start this inspection, take some time to develop a checklist. This checklist should feature various parts of your home that are the most at risk of being used during a burglary attempt.

Here are some of the things that need to be on your home security checklist.

Take a Look at the Condition of Your Windows

When performing an inspection of your home, don’t forget to check your windows. In some instances, the windows a home has will be unlocked. If the windows are not locked properly, a burglar can use them to gain entrance and take whatever they want.

As you inspect your windows, you need to also look for signs of wear or functionality issues. If a window will not close all of the way or is flimsy, getting it replaced is a must. Taking the security your home has up a notch is easy when adding window sensors. Generally, these sensors will be tied into your home security system. If the window is opened when the alarm is armed, these sensors will trip the alarm.

Assess The Condition of Your Doors

The next thing you need to check when attempting to assess how secure your home is are the exterior doors. Most people use the exterior doors in their home multiple times a day without much thought. Over the years, the doors and the looks contained within them will start to wear out.

If you notice visible damage on the door, replacing it is a good idea. Waiting to fix this problem can put your home and your family in danger. Investing in higher-quality door locks is also a good idea. If you are unsure about what type of locks you need, consulting with a reputable locksmith is essential. These professionals can offer guidance regarding which locks to get and can install them in a hurry.


Check the Security System You Have in Place

Some homeowners fail to realize that security systems will become outdated over time. Instead of letting an outdated system fail you, having it inspected on a regular basis is a good idea. A security company will have no problem inspecting the system and offering suggestions on how to improve it.

Adding things like security cameras to the exterior of your home is a great way to keep burglars at bay. With the right camera system, you can view every part of your home from your smartphone. State-of-the-art camera systems offer remote viewing and high definition picture, which make them a great investment.

Seek Out Professional Help

If you run into a security problem you don’t know how to deal with, seeking out the help of a knowledgeable professional is essential. With their help and guidance, you can turn your home into a well-guarded fortress.