Beer Lovers Rank Cincinnati Highly

Cincinnati and Beer

The verdict is in and beer lovers rank Cincinnati highly!

Redfin teamed with the Beer Institute to research which cities have the attributes beer lovers need to thrive.

The cities were ranked by:

  • The # of breweries in their state per 100,000 adults aged 21+
  • The # of active brewery permits in each state
  • State beer taxes (lower ranked better)
  • The median home sale price
  • The city’s Walk Score (don’t drink and drive!)

The top of the list of the best cities for beer lovers were Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Milwaukee, and the majority were Rust Belt cities, powered by their relative affordability, low tax on beer and plenitude of breweries. The old bastions of beer cities was well represented by the hometowns of Miller (Milwaukee), Budweiser (St. Louis) and Coors (Denver) placing in the top 10.

Interesting the West Coast, beer hot spots like Seattle, Portland and San Francisco all placed highly, however the growing price of homes along the West Coast kept them from the top spots.

Over-the-Rhine ranks 9th on Redfin’s 10 Most Walkable Neighborhoods.  Over-the-Rhine and other Cincinnati neighborhoods are home to a number of craft beers. And while housing in Over-the-Rhine may not be considered affordable by Cincinnatians-compared to San Francisco and Seattle we’re cheap.

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