Yes I’m stunned! Nobody who’s sat on I-75 or I-71 during morning/evening rush ever thought about how great our commute times are compared to other cities. But according to the latest ranking from Trulia our travel times could be much worse.
Trulia ranked the commute times for renters versus homeowners and Cincinnati ranked 10th on the site’s list of cities with the shortest commute time with a combined average of commute time of 23.2 minutes. Renters are in transit an average or 21.9 minutes while homeowners average 23.6 minutes to work. Not to surprising the study found that renters drove a shorter distance in 23 of the 50 major metropolitan areas included in the Trulia study.
According to the Trulia report, commute times have been on the rise nationwide since 2009 -most likely because workers were willing to drive further in order to maintain or get employment. Columbus, Ohio ranked higher than Cincinnati in the latest report- see where your city ranked click on the sortable index.
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