Klosterman Bread wants to “celebrate” everybody who pack lunches for their children, their spouses and themselves … every day. To participate in their “Pack Your Lunch Day” campaign, you need to go the Klosterman Facebook page everyday and vote for 1 of the 2 different sandwich recipes. Once you vote, you’re automatically entered to win Klosterman products and be featured on tons of social media channels on the National Pack Your Lunch Day -which is happening on March 10th.
Personally I had no idea we celebrated National Pack Your Lunch Day but as food prices inch up I’ve noticed more people brown bagging at work. Locally owned Klosterman Bakery is providing a fun way to celebrate as well as yummy recipes for a variety of sandwiches….though I’m still partial to pb&j.
If you win the free year of bread products from Klosterman- you may owe me a sandwich!